Monday, September 24, 2007

The hair is gone...(sung to the tune of 'the thrill is gone')

Yep. It's gone. In the shower this morning it was coming out fast and furious -fistful after fistful. At that point, all I could do was laugh. I threw on a baseball cap (and I do not look good in baseball caps!) and went to work. The bald spots were noticeable.

Tonight, my favorite husband used the clippers and cut my hair down to near nothing. My head is lightly fuzzy still - and feels cool to rub!

I will shave it down soon though. But I didn't want to put my head through too much too soon.


Anonymous said...

I love the way you call him your favorite husband like you have a couple more in the closet or something! Hope things are going as well if not better than they did last time..who are you gonna be for Halloween with shiny up on top? I was thinking Sinead (you have the clothes for it) or a blue man! Again having the attire helps. Wondering if hair is falling out everywhere or if you still have to shave your legs...just an added perk perhaps?
Miss you and thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Glad your dad sent me your blog. You sound real positive. You are in my thoughts and prayers. You were like a third daughter to me as you were growing up. I still talk about the good times we had on Sunday's going to the zoo or museum.
Nancy (Deb & Liz's mom)