Tuesday, September 11, 2007

But can I survive chemo?

Yuck. Well, I felt great on Saturday! We had a wonderful time at my friends wedding reception. I did notice that I was tired - no surprise since I hadn't much sleep the previous days. She looked wonderful and happy, and the food was great too! We danced to a few slow songs (the only ones I can get him to dance to).
Oh - and the neulasta shot? That went just fine. The needle was long, but very very thin and I didn't feel a thing. I won't have to worry about that part next time. My husband was a great help with that! I don't think I could have given the shot without him.
Sunday I felt ok - just a little tired. I managed to go grocery shopping, but then the 'other shoe fell' so to speak. I was suddenly weak and exhausted. Yesterday wasn't much better. That continued through today (Tuesday), although right now I feel somewhat alright. I'm not quite ready to enter the world again though. I have been borderline nauseated, and nothing sounds good (as far as eating). I have been eating fruit (peeled because of pesticides and herbicides) and some soy yogurt. I am certainly not about to wither away to nothing.
I think that most of my worse side effects are from the neulasta. The bone pain is awful! It stimulates white blood cell growth, and I sure can feel it in my marrow.
There is the update. I hope to be back to (somewhat) normal by tomorrow.

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